New To Us?

Welcome to The Communicators Club! In addition to our About page, the list of resources below encapsulates what TCC offers, and how you can help continue our seven-decade mission of coaching current (and future) communications professionals to grow and prosper.

Meet our Board of Directors

The Communicators Club’s monthly programs and other events are made possible through the volunteer efforts of our Board of Directors. From recruiting speakers, promoting events and securing venues, to tweaking luncheon menus and filling in for presenters at a moment’s notice, the board is the beating heart of our organization.


Worcester postcard

Our story: 72 years of history

Just as communications, its practices and diversity have morphed and expanded since the 1950s, our organization has grown and changed. The Communicators Club was launched through the merger of the Society of Professional Communicators and AdClub of Greater Worcester in May 2012.


Become a TCC member

Why should you become a member of The Communicators Club? Aside from the real savings in event fees, that commitment expresses your support for making communicators better at what they do, and more knowledgeable about their craft. TTC represents professionals connected with myriad specialties online, in print, through electronic media and across communications platforms.


Volunteer: Help us help others

The Communicators Club is an all-volunteer organization, and we need your help with ongoing projects and monthly tasks. Volunteer for a 30-minute assignment during a monthly lunch meeting or offer to help with our ongoing work. Your interests, expertise and passion can be quite an asset in supporting our mission.